Photoshop 6.0 - First Review

by Cheryl <cheryl(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 5 Sep 2000 09:11:11 -0700
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original

>Dear Cheryl,
>Stockbyte Update is back in your mailbox very briefly to bring you the
>latest news on the industry's mainstream image editing application, Adobe
>Photoshop. Last week, version 6.0 was announced - due to ship in the US in
>late September - so we've asked alpha tester Ben Willmore, America's
>favorite Photoshop trainer and founder of Digital Mastery to give us the
>lowdown on his experiences. We hope you find it useful.
>Jerry Kennelly
>Founder & President
>> ++Major overhaul of Photoshop's features++
>Adobe has announced Photoshop 6.0 and it looks to be one of the biggest
>upgrades in Photoshop's history! Many of the enhancements are radical
>and practically shouting to be heard, while others are more subtle, taking
>quite a bit of ferreting to unearth them all. Photoshop's color management
>features have gone through a much-needed facelift making them considerably
>more powerful and user friendly. The new Type features make it so that
>Photoshop acts more like a page layout program, but it still lacks a spell
>checker or style sheets. They've added vector support which means that you
>can finally create jaggy-free type that remains that way even when saved
>and printed from another application. And if you have ever struggled with
>an image with abundant layers, you'll be thrilled to know that layer
>management has improved dramatically. By increasing the number of layers
>you can use, and by allowing you to organize them into layer sets, you can
>now make a 100-layer image appear to only have three layers! The new Layer
>Styles are layer effects on steroids and the sky's the limit when it comes
>to what you can do with them using gradients, patterns, strokes and more.
>As an alpha tester for Adobe, I was fortunate to be able to use Photoshop
>6.0 for several months, and I'm convinced that this upgrade is a "must
>have" for the serious digital artist. Find out the rest of the story with
>the "Ultimate Guide to Photoshop 6.0" at
>Ben Willmore


     Mommy to Lindsey (age 8) and Jacob (age 4)
                             SBD Web Design

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